Your donations make our work possible in ensuring a Jewish future.
All donations are greatly appreciated. The Jewish Collegiate Network is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. Donations to support the JCN are tax-deductible. You can make a secure online donation using Google Checkout or mail a check made out to "JCN" to the address below. If sending a check, be sure to include a note with your mailing address so that we can send you a receipt. To discuss your donation opportunity or for any other questions please feel free to contact Efy Flamm directly at [email protected] or 443-690-5073.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Cafe 48 Class: $100
Kollel Sponsor- one student: $180
Friday Night Dinner: $250
Shabbaton: $500
Return to learn scholarship: $1000
Cafe 48 Class: $100
Kollel Sponsor- one student: $180
Friday Night Dinner: $250
Shabbaton: $500
Return to learn scholarship: $1000
Jewish Collegiate Network
3702 Fords Lane
Baltimore, MD 21215
3702 Fords Lane
Baltimore, MD 21215